What is my purpose?

Have you ever wondered what your purpose is in life?   Have you taken the time to really think about it?  Most of us have asked this question at some point or another, and we might have reached a conclusion that our purpose is something dealing with our jobs, or our roles, or WHAT we do. We search and search for our “purpose in life”.   NEWS FLASH – our purpose in life is not some mystery to be found.  God didn’t hide our purpose and ask us to search for it.  He is very simple to say that our purpose is to glorify Him.  Bottom line. When we tie our purpose to WHAT we do, it is an incorrect way to think about our purpose.  Let’s try something else… I better question to ask, is WHO am I? Who we are leads to what we do.  Let’s let that sink in….WHO we are leads to WHAT we do.  Two things that are tied together that leads us to our mission every day. When we have a good understanding of the person that God has created us to be, we can better understand our purpose. As we find out more and more WHO we are on the inside, then our outer lives start to reflect our priorities, our values, and our focus. We start to make better decisions for our health, our family, and ourselves! We will also live in more grace, and we live with more authenticity towards those around us. Who we are triggers what we do. So, what is the point?  What is our purpose? Our sole purpose is to determine who we are in God’s eyes. When we do this, we will experience an incredible peace and solid sense of self-worth. We will not feel the need to compare ourselves to those around us because we will be confident in the person that God has made us to be.  We will live for a great purpose. We will be healthier, more peaceful, and enjoy our life every day. Make the effort to work on yourself from the inside-out.  Find out who you are and let that guide you in your purpose each day. Let’s BE the best person we can be, and our actions will follow!! Who we are triggers what we do.   –Have a blessed Friday! Rachel Curtis
